We continue to celebrate our 40th Anniversary!


After the rest period in August, we reopen the publication of news on the Intranet and corporate website, starting a thematic quarterly cycle commemorating the 40th Anniversary of the #Im3 brand, with the following programming:

  • September: electrical engineering month: Michael Faraday’s anniversary month has been chosen to celebrate this discipline, which is going through a very dynamic time.

We will review the main trends in technologies, materials and composites with the best physical and environmental properties for the engineering of electrical projects of the future.

We will present the proposal for modeling services in PLS-CADD and PLS-POLE software for overhead line projects of all voltage levels up to 500 kV, fiber optics and reforms and standardization of existing lines, including LIDAR topography and classification of points from megadata clouds.

We will also update the news in the field of digital substations according to the IEC 61.850 standard, and we will present the pilot project in the Palhoça 138kV AIS BP + BT substation (Santa Catarina, Brazil) for Eletrosul (Eletrobras group) with Bitstream switches.

The star event of the month will be the last week of September, with a joint webinar with Korean manufacturer Hyosung focusing on the current state of the art in GIS technology for distribution and transmission substations.

  • October: Computer Science Month: October 12 marks the day of Ada Lovelace, recognized as the first computer programmer, so this month’s publications will revolve around this fascinating science.

We will review the history of the web (WWW) and hyperlinking from its beginnings to the present, and we will publish special sections dedicated to software, platforms, applications and user experience (UX in English)

The leaders of the digital transformation projects will present their projects: objectives, challenges, internal and / or external clients, impact on the organization and their progress status.

  • November: month of silicon and semiconductor industry: the cycle closes with the month dedicated to silicon, the king of semiconductors that gives its name to the famous world center of innovation and cutting-edge technology, located 60 km south of San Francisco, California (USA)

November was chosen as the month of silicon in homage to the experiment of November 17, 1947 carried out by Walter Brattain and Robert Gibney at the Bell Labs of New Jersey (USA), marking the beginning of the “magic month” that would end with the invention of the transistor, the most important technological development of the 20th century.

We will also celebrate the anniversary on November 7 of Taiwanese Lisa Su, Ph.D. in electrical engineering, and current CEO of AMD, a multinational manufacturer that is revolutionizing the microprocessor market, which historically had been practically a monopoly of its competitor Intel.