Electrical energy

Electric power transmission facilities

Development of engineering projects

Im3 has been collaborating with Red Eléctrica de España since 2005.

500 kV Salto Grande high voltage line

Design of HV/HV, HV/MV and MV/MV substations up to 500 kV.

Engineering of three 220 kV substations of project VI US$ 125,024,000

Framework engineering contract for high voltage networks up to 220 kV

3-year framework contract (2020-2023) for first international energy player

Network improvement project for EDESUR

Energy installation and distribution projects

Electricity distribution in Tanzania

MV-LV network maintenance service in Chile

Full owner´s engineeing power supply MareNostrum-5 Supercomputer

Integrated project management AT-MT-BT-cartography

Overhead and subway MV-LV projects

Elaboration of MV/LV projects Enel Ceará

Drone-supported inspection of facilities

Regulatory inspection of HV networks in Catalonia

Inspection of the HV and MV network for the protection of bird life

Inspection, maintenance and construction of 220 kV national transmission lines.

Drone inspection for maintenance of 220 kV PE Sarco 170 MW line

Framework contract 36 months LV/MV network maintenance inspection

The Cobra Chile Group hires im3

Public lighting controller

Solar photovoltaic plant on the roof of water tanks

Renewable wind power generation project

Sierra Gorda Este wind project

Quilapilún photovoltaic plant 100 MW Chile