Engineering of three 220 kV substations of the 6th project worth US$ 125,024,000

IM3 develops the tender, basic and detail engineering for the enlargement of the substation Nueva Pan de Azúcar GIS of 220 kV, the new substation Centella AIS of 220 kV with one and a half breaker arrangement and the enlargement of the substation Punta Sierra AIS of 220 kV

Im3 collaborated with Ferrovial in the tender phase of the works “New line Pan de Azúcar-Punta Sierra-Nueva Los Pelambres 2×220 kV 2×580 MVA” which with a 6th reference of US$ 125,024,000 is the most important project of the enlargement plan of the national transmission system 2018 in Chile


After the National Electricity Coordinator (CEN, for its Spanish initials) awarded the construction and operation of the project to Ferrovial, im3 was selected by the global infrastructure and services operator to develop the basic and detailed engineering of the project, including all systemic studies.

In October 2019, engineering works began on the following facilities: enlargement of the main substation Nueva Pan de Azúcar GIS of 220 kV, the new substation Nueva Los Pelambres AIS BAAH of 220 kV and the enlargement of the substation Punta Sierra AIS BAAH of 220 kV. All development was carried out with internal im3 staff, at their headquarters in Santiago de Chile

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