Industrial Ethernet Market


Ethernet communication is one of the most widely used communication network standards in the world, and it is estimated that within the next few years the size of the industrial Ethernet market will exceed USD 120 billion by the year 2027, according to a research report of the company Global Market Insights.

The estimate of the increase in this market is since industries focused on automation, IoT and energy processes opt for the use of Ethernet technology due to the reliability it provides in terms of information speed, data accuracy and for its low latency compared to other standards.

The use of Ethernet technologies for solutions in the IoT and energy industries, as could be the case of the famous “Smart Grids” projects, end up being fundamental elements for their operation due to the large amount of data that is required to be processed for the performance of networks.

An increase in the adoption of Ethernet solutions and services by companies in the energy sector is also expected in the coming years. This is due to the rapid growth of solutions in the sector, such as the digital substation, renewable energy, and hydrogen technology.

Therefore Im3 has as one of its objectives for this 2022 to be part of the exponential growth of the communications market.

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