
Pioneer world pilot of Codelco El Teniente mini tailings plant

Shimin contracted Ingenieros Emetres to develop electrical engineering for the Mini Hydroelectric Power Plant project in the tailings channel of the El Teniente mining division of Codelco

The El Teniente copper mine began exploitation in 1905, and consists of more than 3,000 km of underground galleries, which is why it is considered the largest underground copper mine in the world. Its production in 2019 was 459,744 tons of ore, making it one of the 10 copper mines with the most extraction in the world

Codelco (National Copper Corporation of Chile) is a state-owned company dedicated to copper mining, a sector in which it is the largest company on the planet. With seven mining divisions: Radomiro Tomic, Chuquicamata, Gabriela Mistral, Ministro Hales, Salvador, Andina and El Teniente, it concentrates 7% of global copper reserves.


The project scope was:

  • Technical specification of the 1.5 MVA generator
  • Technical Specification of the 0.69/13.8 kV-1.5 MVA power transformer
  • Technical Specification of the container type electrical room
  • Technical Specification of the 13.8 kV fuse-disconnector
  • Calculation memory for insulators and minimum distances
  • LV and MV cable calculation memories
  • One-line diagrams
  • Arrangement of equipment in the yard – plan and sections
  • Calinizations- plan and sections
  • Design criteria for the 13.8 kV evacuation line
  • Layout of the 13.8 kV evacuation line
  • Technical specifications for 13.8 kV line cable and hardware