Solar Panels

Im3 carried out the preliminary study, drew up the final plan and managed the work on designing and installing photovoltaic solar panels on several existing buildings.

Im3 was awarded contracts by various bodies within Barcelona city council (Agència de l’Energía, Barcelona de Infraestructures Municipals S.A) to conduct a study, draw up the final design and manage work to design and install photovoltaic solar panels over the pergolas in the Safó, Joan Cortada and Pilar Miró gardens and on the roof terraces of the Ernest Lluch, Pare Poveda, Bosc de Montjuïc, Alexandre Gali, Ítaca and Nabí schools. In all these contracts, the most relevant factor was not in fact the design and calculation of the solar power generating and storage infrastructure but their

adaptation to the existing building. The proper operation of the existing building must be assured, as must the soundness of its structure as it has to bear a series of new loads that were not envisaged in the original design. This may involve designing structural reinforcement to allow the solar panels to be installed in complete safety.


Im3 also carried out the preliminary study and drew up the final plan for the installation of photovoltaic panels on the roof of the workshops at the Martorell Enllaç railway station for Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat de Catalunya (FGC).