Siemens awarded bim engineering development contract for Ishcayucro 220kv gis substation

Our client Siemens Peru has assigned us the engineering project for the Ishcayucro 220kV substation, located in the district of Yanahuanca, province of Daniel Alcides Carrión, in the region of Pasco, Peru.


The new substation will be built at an altitude of 4,200 meters above sea level. It will be developed using BIM methodology and, thanks to GIS technology, will strengthen the Peruvian electrical system to meet the demand for electrical energy for transmission and distribution companies in rural areas.


This is the second engineering project entrusted to us by our client Siemens Peru and, as in the previous one in SE Chilca 220/22.9 kV (Cañete, Lima), it will be developed by Im3 COLPE professionals.