Inspection of infrastructures by drone

Im3 optimises the inspection process through the use of drones.

The use of drones has made it possible to reach inaccessible areas and make our inspections more detailed. Occupational risks and accidents have been reduced.


Since 2012 im3 has carried out inspections in different regions: Barcelona, the Balearic Islands, Catalonia and Andalusia. Moreover. Over the years, in our search for constant improvement, we have incorporated technological advances in this process to enable us to offer our clients added value, at the same time getting the most out of our resources and minimising the risk of industrial accidents.

These improvements to our procedures include:


  • A tool developed in-house for collecting data in the field
  • Drones (Maverick DJI) for taking pictures and videos
  • 360º photography
  • Web access for the client to see how work is progressing in real time