Drone inspection and maintenance of the 220 kV PE Sarco 170 MW line

Drone inspection and maintenance

The contract for 2019-2020 Aerial Supervision of Power Transmission Line with Drones allows the recording of electrical parameters and the early detection of incipient failures. This technique is considered to be the best complement for the subsequent planning of maintenance


AeromediaChile, a subsidiary of Aeromedia and IM3 and a provider of aerial supervision services with drones, has concluded the second day of inspections. Its aim is to collaborate with the local market with its technologies, through unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), equipped with sensors and software to display, collect, analyse and process visual data, thermal measurements and soon, corona effect in transmission lines and substations

The inspection of power lines for AELA in the Freirina Huasco region has allowed us to observe in great detail more than 197 structures in different days, in very difficult to access terrain, due to the fact that a large part of this line was built with helicopters.


The purpose of these requirements is to inquire into the maintenance needs on a newly constructed line, to create a status report, and to detect any observations which might determine, for example, the frequency of insulator cleaning.