Inspection, maintenance and construction of 220 kV national transmission lines

Large deployment of im3’s technical building inspectors (ITO, for its Spanish initials) to supervise maintenance and construction works of transmission lines. More than 15,000 days of specialised technical inspection have been completed

In the time period 2019-2020, by means of a global contract, im3 was contracted for the technical inspection services of an important phase in the development process of maintenance and construction works in the northern region of the country


Since April 2019, IM3 has been responsible for inspecting and supervising the replacement activities of silicone insulation, crossarms, conductors and hardware in general, as well as for the installation of bird mitigation measures, in more than 10 works associated with its transmission lines. Among them, we highlight the 220 kV Atacama – Esmeralda TL and the 220 kV Cóndores – Parinacota TL, which correspond to the most important in the country’s northern region, as well as the 66 kV Charrúa – Laja transmission lines and the 220 kV Valdivia Rahue TL in the southern region.

Thanks to the professional and constant work of the IM3 inspectors participating in the different projects, great progress has been achieved in the works, receiving compliments from the Transmission Lines Senior Advisor, Gilberto Mendez, who led the High Voltage Lines team, as well as from Mr. Waldo Ibacache, North Region Manager, and Mr. Francisco Lucero, Head of North Region Lines.


Currently, we continue developing the technical inspection of the 66 kV Los Molles – Ovalle Transmission Line, which consists of the replacement of conductors and the supply for the installation of more than 10 High Voltage structures, which is expected to be completed by the end of 2020