Im3 participates in the round table FEDE 4.0


Within the framework of the European Forum of Digital Energy (FEDE 4.0), sessions were held on November 22, 23 and 24:

• Nov. 22 Introduction to synchronization.

• Nov. 23 The round table (Details below)

• Nov. 24 (Advanced) Synchronization Masterclass (given by Ing. Nowacki of Bitstream) + Design of substations in augmented reality (given by Ing. Daniel Sánchez C. of Im3)

In the round table on the 23rd participated the engineers:

• Oscar Tovar (lower right of the image), test analyst researcher at the Laboratory for Automation and Industrial Communications (LACI) and professor of electrical circuits at the University of Colombia in Medellín.

• Pablo Gamboa (lower left of the image), project specialist at the National Electricity Corporation (CENEL) of Ecuador, specialist in substation automation.

• Rafael Normey (upper center of the image), Deputy Manager of Control Engineering of the state electricity company Usinas y Transmisiones Eléctricas (UTE) of Uruguay.

• Daniel Sánchez C. (upper right), regional manager for Latam and Director of Digital Transformation at Im3.

At the round table, the engineers answered the following questions from the moderator Adrian Moreno (upper left of the image):

1. What are the time synchronization methods that you use in the substations that you operate or manage?

2. What are the biggest constraints you have faced during the introduction of substation automation?

3. What are the challenges you faced when implementing PTP in a substation?

4. In his opinion, how do you see the level of knowledge in Latin America of the engineers about the requirements for the implementation of redundant protocols without losses with IEC 61850 or IEC 62439-3? Any advice?

Access to the event recording: