Cobra Chile Group hires im3


The Cobra Group was awarded the works to expand the zonal transmission system “New Power Transformer in Los Áneles substation” contemplated in Exempt Decree No. 293 of 2018 of the Ministry of Energy of Chile.

The project consists of the installation of a third 66/15 kV-30 MVA power transformer in Los Ángeles substation, owned by the electrical distributor CGE (Naturgy). The project includes the extension of the 66 kV double busbar and a new 15 kV cells room with 7 feeders.

Cobra proposed to the National Electrical Coordinator (CEN) im3 as one of the possible companies to develop the works of Technical Inspection of Work (ITO) in this project, and the Coordinator appointed im3 as the consulting company for the supervision of construction and execution of the works