Im3 sponsors a new Chair with the University of Seville


On March 31, 2022, the first Business Chair sponsored by Im3 with the University of Seville ( in Spain, called “Chair of Engineering and Business Models”, was established.

The Governing Committee of the Chair will be integrated by the engineers Mr. Manuel Felipe Rosa Iglesias, Mr. Ángel Arcos Vargas (Director of the Chair), Mr. Nicolás Cuenca Pradillo, Director of High Voltage at Im3, and the President of Im3, Mr. Alfredo Mas Torres.

Im3 joins leading companies from different sectors that have chairs at the University of Seville, such as Endesa, Cepsa, RTVE, Indra, Airbus, IBM, Red Eléctrica de España (REE), Sacyr or Telefónica (Movistar).

This chair aims to the fit of engineering in new business models in the energy sector, in addition to developing R&D projects in renewable energies, storage, Green Hydrogen and renewable gases, electric mobility and artificial intelligence.