Sustainable cooling and ventilation technologies – part I


Since 2019, World Refrigeration Day has been celebrated on June 26, with the support of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) to highlight the importance that refrigeration, air conditioning and pumps of heat have on the welfare of society.

In recent weeks, Spain and Europe in general have experienced one of the most severe heat waves in memory so far in the 21st century. It is for this reason that Im3 has decided to dedicate this week to technologies and ventilation systems, and conditioning of environments in a sustainable way.

Coincidentally, on the first of August, the Im3 group kindly invites all its collaborators and clients to visit its Autodesk Cloud platform and tour some of the BIM methodology projects that we have available.

The first BIM project in which Im3 participated in 2017 was in the engineering of the air conditioning, electromechanical, firefighting and hydro-sanitary facilities of the Riyadh Metro in Saudi Arabia. In the news image you can see the complexity of the cooling system of one of the multiple commercial stations of the new Metro lines.

If you are interested, contact the corporate BIM director Jordi Manzano, who also participated in the Riyadh project.