Desembarco de Seguridad


On May 13, 2021, Enel’s Distribution Network Maintenance Inspection contract in Chile carried out the first annual Disembarkation exercise, within the annual safety activities program.

The site chosen for the activity was the parking lot of the emblematic ‘Pueblito Los Dominicos’ artisan center, at the intersection between the communes of Las Condes and La Reina, in the country’s capital.

The Disembarkations are leadership activities with the participation of the management, every six months, in which a series of coordination and cooperation exercises are carried out between work crews, focused on safety.

Disembarkation exercises are prepared in advance and carried out in a predefined activity zone, where participants must complete the established objectives, interacting with their fellow crew members and with other crews.

Due to the pandemic situation, this time the exercise was limited to 8 participants (4 crews) to whom we thank for their participation and acknowledge their excellent professionalism, commitment to safety and attitude throughout the exercise:

Manuel Pérez, Hipólito Rodríguez, José Cruz, Diego Moreno, Rodrigo Pizarro, Luís Opazo, Jorge Carinao and Manuel Iturrieta.

Realization of the video: Rodrigo Salas