im3 sponsors the tree plantation in Santiago de Chile

On 25 September, im3, with the support of Enel, and while meeting its commitment to actively participate against climate change, financed the planting of trees in the urban space located at the intersection between Monterrey streets and Bajos de Jiménez and between Cardenal Caro and Gambino, in the city of Santiago de Chile.


In the event, trees of the soapbark and Jacaranda species were planted in the space enabled for this purpose by the municipal government of the township of Conchalí.

To support these works, the following people attended the event: Neftalí Pastene Ibarram Director of DIMAO (Dirección de Aseo, Ornato y Medio Ambiente – Directorate of Cleansing, Beautification and Environment), Leónidas Villaseca, head of the Department of beautification and Giovanni Salinas, in charge of the felling and pruning works of the municipality of Conchalí and Boris Concha Matamala, head at Enel of the Area of Maintenance of the Chacabuco Zone. Representing im3 Chile, Waldemar Vargas, Marcelo Araya, Iván Quiroz and Daniel Sánchez attended.


This act is part of the im3 environmental and social policy to reduce its carbon footprint and to favour the surrounding communities.

We hope to enhance our involvement in the future, collaborating more actively in the empowerment of wooded areas, through the sustainable urban engineering business unit.