Managing execution of works at Montjuïc castle in Barcelona

Im3 undertook works management for the new technical infrastructure centre and the new general grids at Montjuïc castle.

The company BIMSA, part of Barcelona city council, awarded im3 project management and construction management of these projects. They consist of construction of an underground building beside the castle, with 1,065 m2 of floor space, to house machine rooms, air conditioning systems, water tanks and pumping systems, as well as connecting these infrastructures to the interior of the castle through hydrant, sanitation, air conditioning and heating, electrical fluid, voice and

data networks covering much of the two parts of the castle, providing access to all the different areas. All this involves urbanising an area of over 4,000 m2 on all these sites. Our job in works management centres on both building and infrastructures, and as the castle is listed as a cultural asset of national interest, work has to proceed with a minimum impact on the existing heritage site.