Barcelona green space inventory project

Im3 and urban green spaces in Barcelona

Barcelona has an extensive network of green spaces (over a thousand) of different kinds: parks, historic gardens, woods and a range of smaller areas that form part of the urban fabric, as well as trees planted in the streets. A total of over 2,700 hectares, with more than 150,000 trees and over 2,000 plant species.


Im3, as part of the UTE Espais Verds consortium and as a firm specialising in urban spaces of all kinds, was commissioned by Barcelona city council (municipal parks and gardens institute) to produce an inventory of all the green spaces in 6 districts of the city (out of a total of 10 districts), representing an inventory of over 600 green spaces.

This inventory consists of a topographical survey of all existing elements in the area in question. Identification and location of all species, listing all other features (paths, benches, play areas, spaces for animals, fountains and water features, architectural features, buildings, etc.). GIS archives were then generated with all these field data, to be made available in their entirety to municipal experts on the municipal Natura Espais Verds platform.