Renewal of street lighting in the city of Barcelona

Im3 was responsible for the study and made the preliminary proposal, drew up the final plan and provided works management for the overhaul of street lighting in the city of Barcelona and other towns, in line with criteria of maximum energy efficiency.

Im3 was chosen by various bodies within Barcelona city council (Barcelona de Infraestructures Municipals S.A., Departamento de Alumbrado de la Gerencia de Ecología Urbana and others).


Between 2014 and 2016 it provided the final plans and site management for works on 117 streets in the city of Barcelona, at a cost of €14.6M for a total of 3,908 new street lights, under the contract for the Barcelona street lighting improvement plan 2014-2016.


In 2017 the plan and the basic study for the plan to renew street lighting in the city of Barcelona 2018-2020 were drawn up, with a budget for works of €13M.

Subsequently, in a continuation of the previous contract, for Part 4 of the plan to renew street lighting in the city of Barcelona 2018-2020, concerning the Nou Barris and Horta-Guinardó districts, final plans are being drawn up and works managed in 16 streets.


EOver the last 4 years a further 4 contracts have been awarded to draw up plans for various locations in Barcelona (Plaça de la Vil·la, Plaça de la Revolució, Plaça de Nord, Plaça Rovira i Trias, Plaça de la Virreina, Avinguda Icaria, Parc Central de Nou Barris), and in other nearby towns.