Projects Processing with the Public Administrations

 Administrative Authorizations, Municipal Licenses and Sectorial Authorizations

Ingenieros Emetres offers its clients a multidisciplinary team made up of specialized attorneys, agronomists, agricultural technical engineers and support staff, with extensive experience in processing the administrative authorizations necessary for the commissioning of all types of energy projects infrastructures of production, transport and distribution before the corresponding Administration or relevant body.


The offered services include the complete management of prior administrative authorization, administrative authorization of construction and authorization of exploitation, with the processing of public utility and environmental impact statement declaration, where necessary, including the response to reports of agencies and allegations or resources of affected individuals, dialogue and support to the relevant body and the follow-up of requests for authorization until it is obtained.


Likewise, the team of Ingenieros Emetres manages the applications for municipal work licenses before the affected City Councils, as well as requesting and processing the urban qualifications or authorizations of exceptional use in rustic land that may be necessary according to the project location and characteristics, including the authorizations of the administrations, organizations and companies with goods or rights that may be affected.