Synchronization and digital networks


In December, Im3 signed an exclusivity contract with the Polish manufacturer Bitstream for the commercialization of state-of-the-art switch solutions for digital networks and satellite clocks in Chile.

The agreement includes the energy, mining, and telecommunications sectors. This last telecommunications sector will be very active during 2022, due after the Subtel 5G tenders in 2021, whose winners were the operators:

• 700 GHz WOM Contest

• AWS WOM Contest

• 3.5 GHz Movistar, Entel and WOM contest

• Contest 26 GHz Entel, Claro, WOM

The tender establishes a maximum of 3 years to put the technology into operation. The deployment of investments after the 5G contest, to meet the technical requirements, plus their commercial deployment, is expected to reach USD 4,000 million in the next 5 years, including increasing in the next 3 years a minimum of 6,500 new antennas.

Im3 Chile’s 2022 business plan includes the provision of structural and telecommunications engineering services, architectural solutions and high-precision synchronization and monitoring systems, and technical works supervision of the construction and assembly of new infrastructures.

For more information, contact Daniel Sánchez Castán.

The news image shows the new icons from left to right: telecommunications antenna, 5G technology, synchronization/PTP protocol, satellite clock and satellite clock with monitoring function.