Diada de Sant Jordi (Day of Saint Jorge)

April 23th

Next Sunday is celebrated the day of Sant Jordi. In Catalonia it is a very special day of celebration. It is not a public holiday, but the streets of towns and cities become a party and are filled with people and colour, with little stands selling books and roses.

This publication is a joint tribute to tradition and innovation:

IM3, almost 42 years after its creation, has always been in continuous evolution, currently focusing one of its strategic lines on Digital Transformation, for the benefit of all members of the organization.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the tools that can be created from it are a priority for IM3.

Innovation: To make this publication we have used the AI tool, ChatGPT, and here we leave you a poem in Catalan created by this application:


Oh Sant Jordi


Oh Sant Jordi, patró dels catalans,

que amb la teva força i valentia,

vas vèncer al drac, i amb gran agonia,

alliberar la princesa i els seus plans.


El teu coratge i honor no té rival,

i el teu exemple perdura en el temps,

com una història de fidelitat i amor,

que inspira als homes a ser més ideals.


El dia de Sant Jordi és una festa,

de roses i llibres, de cultura i amor,

que celebra la teva gran gesta,

i ens recorda el valor de la vida i el valor.


Per això, oh Sant Jordi, et volem honrar,

amb aquest poema de la nostra ànima,

i esperem que el teu esperit ens guiï,

per sempre més, en la lluita i la bondat.


Roses i llibres,

Sant Jordi, patró dels catalans,

amor i cultura.

Oh Saint Jorge


Oh, Saint Jorge, patron saint of the Catalans,

that with your strength and courage,

you defeated the dragon, and with great agony,

freeing the princess and her plans.


Your courage and honour have no equal,

and your example endures in time,

with a story of fidelity and love,

that inspires men to be more ideal.


The day of Saint Jorge is a party,

of roses and books, of culture and love,

that celebrates the great feat,

and remembers us the value of life and value.


And hence, oh Saint Jorge, we want to honour you,

with this poem of our soul,

We hope that your spirit guides us,

forever, in the fight and the goodness.


Roses and books,

Saint Jorge, patron saint of Catalans,

love and culture.


Tradition: What better traditional element than the beautiful canvas that accompanies the AI-generated poem.

The canvas has been prepared for the occasion with the watercolour technique, by our colleague Anna Fabregat – Division 4 – Electric Mobility – Spain.


Happy Sant Jordi Day!