Im3 inspects the most important hydroelectric plants in the department of Lima



Main image: Canta Hydroelectric Power Plant fed by water flow through pipes that connect the load chamber to the engine room.

Attached image 1: Visit of Eng. Rick Jara with workers from the contracting company that operates C.H. Acos assesses the conditions of the canal’s trails, from the intake to the hydroelectric power plant’s loading chamber.

Attached image 2: Eng. Edwin Taipe located at the entrance of C.H. Nava before starting supervision activities at the facilities.

 Within the scope of the Safety and Environment Inspection contract developed by IM3 Peru, our inspectors Edwin Taipe and Rick Jara carried out the inspection of the five hydroelectric power plants managed by ENEL DISTRIBUCIÓN PERÚ. The facilities visited were:


HYDROELECTRIC POWER PLANT             DISTRICT                                        PROVINCE

NAVA (527 kW)                                           PACHANGARA                               OYON

RAVIRA-PACARAOS (150 kW)                  PACARAOS                                     HUARAL

ACOS (280 kW)                                            SAN MIGUEL DE ACOS                 HUARAL

CANTA (1,000 kW)                                      CANTA                                            CANTA

YASO (190 kW)                                            SANTA ROSA DE QUIVES               CANTA


For more technical details related to hydroelectric plants, see the document attached to the news. (Official document published in 2015 by the Peruvian Energy and Mining Investment Oversight Agency, Osinergmin).

These installations are supplied by C.H. Acos, which is made up of two hydraulic groups, whose total effective power reaches 280 kW and which make it possible to cover the maximum demand, which reaches 222 kW. In addition, it has a mobile generator set with 515 kW of installed power and 350 MW of effective power, to meet emergency or contingent cases of hydraulic generation.

The purpose of these inspections was to verify compliance with the Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE) guidelines that ENEL Peru establishes for its installations, activities, and operational contractors. These inspections allowed us to identify improvements that our client will implement, to ensure a suitable and safe working environment, care for the integrity and health of our own and external workers and the protection of the environment.


CHs Enel Distribución Perú