Im3 is news in Electricidad, Chile’s energy magazine

The Hitachi-Im3 event in the media

Image: Electricidad magazine online portal

The importance of the Government promoting technological innovation and the long-term benefits offered by the commitment to digital substations was part of what was discussed at the event organized by Hitachi Energy and IM3, “Digital Substation 61850 Ed2.1: New Methodologies for Specification and Testing”, and which brought together actors from the national energy industry.

“It is important that the tenders push technological innovation. The global trend is to go towards digital substations, they are the future. Although a digital substation involves in specific cases, a slightly higher investment at the beginning, in the long term you gain in terms of assembly, wiring, reduction of testing and commissioning times, administration, etc. Everything is much easier,” said Mauricio Mazuela, general manager of Hitachi Energy.

For his part, Daniel Sánchez, general manager of IM3, commented that as an engineering company until now they had worked with the old substation formats, using calculation memories and normal drawings in AutoCAD. “Today, when the model, or the paradigm, of the digital substation arrives, it forces us to make that migration, to work on an information model.

Access to the full article: Hitachi Energy: “Las subestaciones digitales son el futuro”