International Day of Women and Girls in Science

February 11th

The figures confirm and reinforce the need for the existence of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science:

  • Only 33% of research staff are women.
  • Only 28% of engineering graduates are women.
  • Women receive less funding for research and are less likely to hold senior positions, both in the public and private sectors.

It is not just about equality (treating people in the same way), we must go further, it is about equity, that is, taking personal circumstances into account and establishing specific actions to avoid disadvantages and so that men and women can start from a position of equality.

Girls need references in the STEM world (Science-Technology-Engineering-Mathematics) and we are all responsible for achieving it: Mothers and fathers, schools and universities, teachers, society, official organizations and companies.

At IM3, we adhere to this day, to ensure that the percentage of female technical profiles increases. Our code of ethics promotes professional development without discrimination and with equal opportunities.


Reference bibliography: science