PG&E announces important fire prevention measure


Pacific Gas and Electric Co. (PG&E) is one of the main electric companies in the United States, with a wide gas and electricity distribution area that covers an extension of ​​40% of the state of California, including San Francisco, Sacramento and the Silicon Valley (see attached map prepared by the Edison Electric Institute)

To strengthen its electrical distribution network and reduce the risk of fires, PG&E announces its initiative to underground 10,000 miles of distribution networks (almost half the circumference of the Earth) in the areas of greatest risk of starting fires.

In order to make this megaproject economically viable, PG&E has developed more productive construction methods for excavating trenches, new types of insulated cables, and design of shared pipelines with gas and internet services.

The avoidance of fire risks adds to the improvement of the visual impact and urban planning as compelling arguments in favor of the underground networks, in the configuration of the scenario for the design and development of the electrical networks of the future.

#im3 is an engineering firm with a long trajectory in the design of underground networks in trench, concrete, duct, polyduct and galleries, for low, medium and high voltage networks (up to 400 kV)

Source: T&DWorld

#im3 #undergroundpowerlines #engineeringforthefuture