Summit ABB in Santa Marta, Colombia

Utilities, contribution of digitization in the era of sustainability

Im3 participated with the CEO of Smart 61850, Carlos Samitier (behind the second B in the group image and behind the first B in the company image) and Daniel Sánchez Castán (last row behind A in the group image and behind of the second B in company image) as speakers, and Diego González (between the two Bs in company photo) and Daniel Sánchez Ruber (with hand resting on A in company photo) as invited attendees.

ABB Colombia presented the Utilities Summit, a space for participation and knowledge where the main network operators of the country met for the first time with the aim of contributing to the construction of a better, more sustainable country.

It was 2 days of learning creating a new panorama of solutions, sharing good practices and creating the market development roadmap.

Innovation, digitization, technology and engineering came together to analyse new opportunities, market trends, success stories and key technologies to advance in the search for a kinder future with the planet.

The central theme was about the contributions of digitization in the era of sustainability.

The main utilities in the country reaffirm their commitment to promote the transformation of society and industry for a more productive and sustainable future.

We all make the change, let’s keep writing the future of safe, smart and sustainable electrification. Together.

Link to the news on ABB’s Facebook: