Smart 61850 Consulting & Training

Specification and Engineering of Digital Substations IEC 61850


Im3 starts your training plan for this year 2023, aimed at customers, internal professionals and other interested parties.

Within these trainings we start with a maximum actuality topic in our company “DIGITAL AND SMART  SUBSTATION 61850″, INTRODUCTION TO THE METHODOLOGY AND ADVANCED PROTOCOLS”.

Carlos Samitier, CEO of our  SMART61859 area, recognized promoter and world expert on the subject, will be in charge of developing this course, which we consider of highest interest and very latest, anticipating the standard with which our customers will work in a very close future.

The following is the list of topics of the activity and expected teaching dates.

The cost of the course is 3,578 usd per student, for groups of 10 students.

The understanding of the new concepts included in the IEC 61850 series of standards requires a gradual learning process that allows the creation of knowledge by mixing the knowledge of the content of the standard and the associated technologies with the understanding of the new operating principles and the new working methodology.

The proposed training plan gradually introduces the new functions, the new working methodology and the relationships with other supporting technologies which are an integral part of the design of substation automation systems under IEC 61850.

The training plan is structured in four levels with the objective of achieving a gradual assimilation and allowing the consolidation of the knowledge acquired at each level. The training begins with an introduction of the basic generic concepts from which practical aspects and considerations are introduced and ends with the development of real practical examples.

Module I introduces the fundamental concepts of the IEC 61850 standard. The workshop starts from the classic knowledge of automation to introduce the new concepts of design and implementation and new technologies, providing a continuity that facilitates the assimilation of these concepts. Differential aspects, new functionalities and their advantages, as well as new engineering and configuration concepts are shown.

Module II delves into the details of the operation of IEC 61850 automation systems. In addition to deepening the knowledge of the standard, this is complemented with specific knowledge of complementary technologies that are essential to design integrated automation systems which form the basis of future digital substations. This module shows details of operation and configuration for the realization of IEC 618650 projects along with the principles and details of operation of local networks, their specific design considerations, the new maintenance functions included in the standard, as well as the engineering criteria that ensure performance and facilitate maintenance.

Module III develops the practical aspects of design and implementation of substation automation systems under IEC 61850. In-depth study of the practical aspects allows the assimilation of the best design practices to implement advanced automation systems that incorporate the new functions included in the latest edition of the standard. Considering the specific aspects of complementary technologies, especially communications and computer security, is essential for the implementation of IEC 61850 projects. This module deals with the practical aspects of IEC 61850 project implementation, the engineering procedures that guarantee performance and how to evaluate it using the ATLAN tool.

Module IV develops the new test and maintenance functions. The workshop presents the factors that influence the correct implementation of maintenance and diagnostics using the new associated functions. The theoretical and practical aspects of the implementation and use of these new functions, as well as the requirements in terms of automation architecture and communications performance, are discussed in depth. The type of tests specific to digital substations, their scope and planning methodology, as well as the key requirements that facilitate testing and maintenance are discussed in depth,



The process of assimilation of new concepts and knowledge creation requires training to be gradual and well planned over time. Consequently, it is proposed that the first module be delivered in the second half of March and that the following modules be delivered with a minimum break of two months. These breaks will allow the concepts to be assimilated and what has been learned to be applied.

Module I is aimed at engineers who have no knowledge of IEC 61850 and is taught in distance mode.

Module II is aimed at engineers with knowledge of the standard and is taught remotely with instructor-assisted practice.

Modules III and IV are face-to-face and practical. They include training on the use of ATLAN and other applications. They develop the most advanced aspects of the standard, such as the new testing and maintenance functions, from a theoretical and practical point of view. The practices are based on real examples.

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