World Logic Day, January 14


According to definition 2. of Google’s Oxford Languages dictionary, logic is: Method or reasoning in which ideas or the succession of facts are manifested or developed in a coherent way and without contradictions between them.

The logical process requires rigor, a concept that we illustrate with this story: an engineer, a physicist and a mathematician were traveling through Scotland, when they observe a black sheep from the train window:

          ‘Aha,’ says the engineer – ‘Scottish sheep are black’

          ‘Hmm,’ replies the physicist – ‘you mean that some Scottish sheep are black’

          ‘No,’ retorts the mathematician – ‘all we can say is that there is at least one sheep in Scotland and that at least one side of said sheep is black’

Rigorous mathematicians fall into two groups based on their approach to problem solving: algebraics prefer to reduce all problems to sets of numbers and variables, while geometricians understand the world through dimensions and shapes. Where one group sees Fig.1, the other sees Fig.2 (see image of this news)

With which of the two groups do you identify? Both algebraic and geometricians they are excellent professionals for the design and construction of BIM models. Each group will use the set of parametric design tools that best suit their profile.

The algebraics opting for parameterization using programming languages (we will colloquially call them pythons) and the geometricians ones preferring visual programming (dynamos). Well, at least this would be the logical thing to do.

Happy logic day !!


         Perfect Rigour, a genius and the mathematical breakthrough of the century, Masha Gessen, 2009.

         Fermat’s Last Theorem, Simon Singh, 1996.

         Parameterization through Visual Programming, Intranet Im3, 10/26/2021