IM3 Brazil has recently participated in social actions: Installation and maintenance of Micro and Network in Rio de Janeiro and support to needy families affected by COVID-19

Rio de Janeiro, June 22, 2020

IM3 Brazil has recently participated in social actions: Installation and maintenance of Micro and Network in Rio de Janeiro and support to needy families affected by COVID-19. Rio de Janeiro, June 22, 2020

Micro and Network installation and maintenance is a free course offered by the Instituto Aprender para Viver (IAV,, located in the city of Rio de Janeiro / RJ.

The Instituto Aprender para Viver is a non-governmental organization that offers courses for youth and adults from disadvantaged communities in the city of Rio de Janeiro. The mission of the Aprender para Viver Institute is to contribute to improving the training of young people for the labour market, through positive actions in the cultural, social, recreational and sports fields, in favour of low-income young people. It develops social inclusion programs to create professional opportunities and open a better future for them and for them.

After this MISSION, the Instituto Aprender para Viver (IAV) implemented its most recent course, which was: Installation and Maintenance of Micro and Network, however, the course that had a start date of March 2020, was suspended due to COVID -19. However, IAV was invited by the Banco do Brasil Foundation, COOPERFORTE and ALELO to support the recently implemented social action to support families in need in the State of Rio de Janeiro affected by COVID-19, with IAV responsible for the logistical support of the delivery of more than 600 basic baskets, providing comfort and hope to these families.

im3 Brazil is concerned with social good, that is why its participation as a partner / associate working with the Instituto Aprender para Viver (IAV).

The current situation in the WORLD is very complicated for everyone, but in these difficult times solidarity has been a present value in the im3 group, that is why, in addition to our interest in prioritizing commitments to customers and our workers and collaborators, We also aim to support society in the search for solutions to create a better world for future generations.

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