Im3 collaborates with the A.E. Ramassà to minimize the effects of Covid-19 in Cameroon


im3, following recent years, has collaborated with the solidarity initiative of the A.E. Ramassà in Africa in the world health crisis caused by Covid-19. The club, given the state of alarm and health indications, decided to re scheduled the trip to The Gambia, scheduled between April 4 and 12, until 2021.

In this way, the A.E. Ramassà redirected the aid that was destined to The Gambia for the project that started in Cameroon years ago: the training center and the soccer school in the Etetack neighborhood, in Yaoundé. At im3 we are happy with our contribution to minimize the negative effects caused by the pandemic, which have profoundly affected the daily life of the neighborhood. Among the emergency measures, the club has given access to drinking water and has offered a basket of hygiene and basic necessities for families in the area.

We are proud of the contribution Im3 has made in recent years. In addition to the sports and school supplies provided by the club, donations in Uganda went to the NGO “Petits Detalls” for the project of an orphanage that welcomes 40 children. Cameroon was, without a doubt, the journey of records. Among all the collaborators of the initiative, we managed to raise more than € 10,000 and 700 kilos of material, which were used to build a library in the Nursing School that the NGO Insolfrica has in the town of Kribi. Aid in Madagascar was used to sponsor the construction of the second shelter for the Yamuna organization’s main facilities in Tsinjo. And, last year, for the Ivory Coast, the club raised € 18,000 for the “50 smiles” project of the Homes de Demain foundation, with the aim of helping to improve the mobility of 50 children suffering from mental and physical disabilities, through the purchase of prostheses, wheelchairs and functional mobility devices.