IM3 grows as a reference engineering for E-Distribución


E-Distribución Redes Digitales, SL, belonging to the Enel Group, is the largest electricity distribution company in Spain, distributing 44% of its demand through its more than 319,000 km of electrical networks and serving a population close to 21 million people.

At the end of June, E-Distribución officially announced the award of the tender: Technical Assistance for the Medium and Low Voltage network.

IM3 is maintained in the territories of:

  • Eastern Catalonia (Girona + Vallés Oriental + Maresme)
  • Western Catalonia (Llobregat + Tarragona + Lleida)
  • Western Andalusia (Seville + Huelva + Cádiz + Ceuta)

And it expands its scope of action to new territories:

  • South Balearic Islands
  • South Aragon

These great results make IM3 the engineering company with the greatest territorial presence of E-Distribution.

Consequently, the Distribution Division (Division 2) continues to grow and is the largest division of the company.

These extraordinary results would not have been possible without the great work and involvement of each and every one of the members of our Distribution Division (Division 2).

In 2020, the Distribution Division, characterized by its capacity, agility, coordination and professionalism, was able to carry out for E-Distribución, I-DE (Iberdrola Group), Endesa X and other Clients:

  • 36,700 Technical studies of new supplies or network modifications.
  • 10,200 MV and LV projects.
  • 9,400 procedures for licenses, permitting, authorizations, …
  • 6,400 technical supervisions or work management.
  • 150 electric vehicle charging points.
  • Many other actions subsidiary to the above ones.

These are really remarkable achievements that will surely be exceeded in 2021 and, as a consequence of this recent contract award, also in the following years.

Thanks to all of you who make it possible!