Im3 present at the return of the XVI STPC’s in-person event


Image, from left to right, the directors of Im3: Luís Malheiros, Daniel Sánchez and Márcio Ridolfi at the XVI STPC in Rio de Janeiro, on October 26, 2022.

The Technical Seminar on Protection and Control (STPC) in its 16th edition returned to in-person medium on the 24th, 25th, 26th and 27th at the Windsor hotel in Barra de Tijuca (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)

In this edition, Pablo Flores from CGT Eletrosul assumes the position of coordinator of the B5 Group of Brazilian Cigré.

The event is the largest forum for debates and issues in the area of ​​Control and Protection in Latin America, bringing together electric power generation, transmission and distribution (GTD) companies, manufacturers, consultants and service providers, aiming at the future and its trends.

Some highlighted topics this year were: protection of mixed OHPL-UGC lines, infeed and backflashover effects in transmission lines, protection of autotransformers combining Amper-turn Balance (BAE) and Kirchhoff (LCK) principles, synchrophasors, LPIT current transformers, safety cybernetics, wide area protection and control schemes (WAPS and WAMPACS)

But the main theme in this edition was the sharing of experiences from projects on operation of digital substations (among them the 500/220 kV Lorena substation of ISA Cteep and the Bethania AT/MT substation of CPFL), with the speakers and assistants agreeing on the need for a good digital documentation of the Substation Automation Systems (SAS) and the projection of an inversion value for the new digital substations 30% lower than conventional designs.

For more information, contact Daniel Sánchez.