First achievements of the im3 Chile’s HV lines department

Global Energy Services (GES), one of the world leaders in construction and services for the solar and photovoltaic industries, has congratulated the HV lines engineering team of im3 Chile for the good work performed in the development of the detail engineering of the 1×110 kV and 6.7 km overhead line for the interconnection of Engie’s 97-MW Capricornio solar photovoltaic project.

This year, the HV line area of im3 Chile has developed works for Elecnor, Atlas, Ferrovial, CGE and Biosar, in addition to GES, for the interconnection of renewable projects or for new works or for the upgrading of the national and regional transmission systems, for the time being up to voltage levels of 220 kV

Ignacio Vargas, head of the HV line area, joined im3 Chile in August 2019, with the purpose of promoting this business line, in a country where long distances, extreme weather conditions and social and community complexity, turn the routing and design of transmission line structures into a real challenge.

The HV line engineering team produces its engineering developments mainly with the world standard software for transmission line design, PLS-CADD, and in close collaboration with the civil-structural area, for the design of steel lattice towers and their foundations.

The civil-structural area uses Tower software for the design and verification of towers, and Tekla for the design of manufacturing and assembly plans.

For the effort you are showing, thank you very much to Ignacio and his team. Please continue to work with the same quality and commitment, and this year we are sure we will receive more compliments from our clients!

In the photo, from left to right: Néstor Urdaneta, Ignacio Vargas and Rodrigo Vargas. Diego Cisternas, who recently joined the department, is not in the photo