Recognition and thanks to the HSE inspection team of im3 Peru


The Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) Inspection service for Enel’s building contractors, developed by im3Peru on the basis of the three-year framework contract initiated in July 2019, continues to be carried out despite the current international situation.

The team of 9 inspectors, in a further show of effort and dedication to their duties, has not stopped for a single day from conducting their inspections, in spite of the standstill decreed by the government of Peru since 16/03.

This last Sunday has been their first day off since the beginning of this difficult situation and we would like to take this opportunity to thank them on behalf of everyone at im3 for their devotion and commitment.

Thanks a lot, partners!!

The team is made up of:

Service Coordinator: Juana Balvin.

Inspectors Coordinator: Cristian Villegas

Field inspectors:

Maxwell Bartra

Jessica Celis

Antony Dextre

Rick Jara

Lucero Mamani

Michael Ore

Rossmery Quiñones

Rayli Rodriguez

Edwin Taipe