Tactical urbanism


As the evolution of society and the way of life has been changing, it has been necessary to face new uses of public space, giving more importance to the pedestrian, both in their journeys and in their leisure, and to new modes of mobility, such as bicycles and personal mobility vehicles.

Under the premise of exploring alternatives for the use of spaces, tactical urban planning is proposed, which consists of a simple urban transformation formula through provisional and reversible actions that allow alternative uses of space to be tested, to innovate, and to check if it adjusts to the needs of citizens, making light interventions, quickly implemented using temporary and cheaper elements.

These actions allow that once the new use has been implemented and tested, the pertinent decisions can be made in this regard, whether to reverse it and return to a previous use or go ahead with the corresponding redevelopment executive project that consolidates the new uses.

At Im3 we have been pioneers in the application of these measures, which in Barcelona (Spain) began to be explored with the Poble Nou neighborhood, but which have become generalized after the changes in mobility derived from the end of confinement due to the Covid 19 pandemic, and that we are currently projecting in new towns, such as Palma de Mallorca, also in Spain.