Alimarket 2023 ranking of the 50 main Spanish engineering companies

Im3 in 1st place within the engineering activity for electrical installations

In the month of May, the traditional Alimarket report on Construction Engineering in Spain was published, including the ranking of the 50 main groups dedicated to civil works, construction, facilities and infrastructure, ordered according to their consolidated revenues.

As data to highlight from this year’s report, the international business (outside Spain) of five of the six main engineering and consulting groups, Idom, Typsa, Eptisa, Sener and Ayesa, represents more than 80% of their business volumes. These engineering firms are focused on civil, architectural and environmental projects.

At the end of the 2022 financial year, the Ingenieros Emetres group appears in 14th place with €34.50 million (the previous year it was in 17th place with a turnover of €30.86 million), occupying the second position among engineering companies with headquarters in Barcelona.

And within the engineering activity for electrical installations, Im3 occupies the 1st position, making us proud and reinforcing our firm vision that guides our efforts towards a future world of sustainable energy.