Im3 actively participating at XXVI SNPTEE in Rio de Janeiro


Image, from left to right: speaker, Márcio Ridolfi as chairman of the table, two evaluators, the secretary and one more evaluator.

The Seminário Nacional de Produção e Transmissão de Energia Elétrica (SNPTEE) is a historic event in Cigré-Brazil, being the largest seminar in Latin America and the 2nd largest in the world among those held at the international level.

The XXVI SNPTEE was held in Rio de Janeiro, from May 15 to 18, 2022, the year of the 50th anniversary of Cigré-Brazil.

The SNPTEE has 16 study groups that address various topics in the areas of generation, transmission, distribution, and marketing of electrical energy. Each study group met in rooms, where the technical sessions took place to present and discuss the selected technical reports (ITs) – approximately 550 in this edition.

In the rooms, the technical sessions were grouped in blocks, with the presentation of up to four ITs in each one, lasting 15 minutes per IT, totaling 60 minutes in each block.

The works were evaluated by the evaluators of the groups and by the participants of the seminar who attended their presentations. Among the ITs presented at the seminar, the best ones were selected for award and publication in Cigré-Brasil’s EletroEvolução review.

Márcio Ridolfi, Director of Operations of Im3 Brazil, was the President of two blocks of the Substations and High Voltage Switchgear Study Group, on May 18. For more information, please contact him.