Kick-off meeting Engineering of Trinidad 66/13.2 kV-16 MVA Digital Substation developed with ATLAN

Alain Morales, C&P leader for the project visits Im3 at the Santiago headquarters

Image, from left to right: Daniel Sánchez, Eduardo Mella, Alain Morales (SAESA), Iván Quiroz and Laura D’Orazio, at the Im3 offices at Calle San Sebastián 2839, Of.901, Las Condes, on May 18 of 2023.

Smart61850, belonging to the lm3 group of companies, was contracted in May by Grupo Saesa for the digital transformation of energy grids, and the development of the technical bases for detailed engineering of ‘Trinidad’ Digital Substation Control&Protection project.

The new ‘Trinidad’ Power Digital Substation is an urgent transmission infrastructure in accordance with the provisions of the second paragraph of article 102 of the Law, so its construction must comply with the deadlines and requirements established in Supreme Decree No. 37 that Approves the Regulation Transmission Systems and Transmission Planning.

It will be a 66/13.2 kV – 16 MVA stepdown-sectioning substation, with a 66 kV AIS switchyard in a Main Bus plus Transfer Bus arrangement, whose Substation Automation System (SAS) will be digitally documented, with its functionality modelled in the ATLAN universal system application, property of Smart61850-Im3.

The use of ATLAN will allow the design of the architecture of functions and communications in a powerful visual environment, with the automatic generation of digital files in SCL language for requesting quotes from vendors, complying 100% with the latest version of the IEC 61850 standard, Ethernet and enabling technologies.

Grupo Saesa is at the forefront of innovation in the energy sector in Chile and in America; in November of last year it obtained 1st place in the Ranking of the most innovative companies in Chile and in areas such as the implementation of digital substations according to the IEC 61850 standard, it is among the pioneering utilities in America.