Im3 begins work with Acciona in Holland

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A few months ago, work began on the development of Substation engineering in the Netherlands. Additionally, studies and market analyzes are being carried out to offer our services in the Central European area. In this sense, the Business Development Area, with the support of the Offers Area, has been able to accompany Acciona in its framework contract for the construction of Substations with Tennet, a Dutch transmission company and one of the three transmission companies in Germany.

This contract for Acciona is for 10 years, so it is our greatest interest to be able to accompany them during its execution.

Furthermore, development in this area is strategic for the company for different reasons:

Operation proximity
Demand for engineering services and companies in the Central European area.
Development of new markets for Im3.
Development of engineering services in the central area of Europe
Incorporation of new processes into the company’s knowledge.

The first contract has already been obtained and therefore we are beginning to actively work on it. The first assignments are related to the basic engineering review and subsequently to the construction and detail engineering for the EOS 380kV substation located in the North Sea. The first designs to be undertaken aim to expand to two new diagonals in a switch and a half configuration.

IM3 has been able to accompany Acciona on an inspection visit to the substation, where it has shared several meetings with the end client Tennet.