Im3 present at Distributech 2023 – San Diego (California)

Event that marks the evolutionary path from Digitization to Virtualization

Image, from left to right: Finnish engineer Jani Valtari from ABB, Daniel Sánchez from Im3 and Swiss engineer Marco Nunez from ABB, next to the cabinet where the two CPC (Centralized Protection and Control) options of the Swiss manufacturer are displayed: the SSC600 and the SSC600 SW.

On 7, 8 and 9 of February in the city of San Diego, California-USA, Distributech 2023 took place, the world’s leading event in Distribution and Transmission, with the participation of Im3 at the invitation of ABB as consultant to Enel-Codensa for the roadmap digital substation project based on 61850, led by Colombian engineer Paola Díaz.

During the three-day marathon, dozens of exhibitions were held in the different spaces of the San Diego Convention Center complex and the adjoining hotels, where the main innovations in the sector were presented.

But without a doubt, the leading theme of the event were the presentations regarding the new vPAC paradigm (virtualized Protection, Automation and Control) based on the new concept of vPR (virtual Protection Relay) developed by the vPAC Alliance, led by ABB, Dell and Intel, among other.

Virtual modules of SAS applications, whose time-critical functions are permanently pinned to specific CPU cores, allow compliance with the performance requirements of the 61850 standards, compacting all control and protection functions in a single server, plus a backup server.

For more information contact Daniel Sánchez.