Ferrovial awards CGE’s 66 kV Ovalle Power Substation Expansion Engineering to Im3


Ferrovial awards Im3 the basic and detailed engineering, and associated electrical studies of the project “19_198_OA12 Expansion of the Ovalle power substation” owned by CGE of group 2 of Decree 171 for expansion works of the National and Zonal Transmission Systems.

The project consists in the sectioning of the main busbar of the 66 kV switchyard of the Ovalle Substation and the change of its conductor, which currently has a Cu 4/0 AWG conductor, for a configuration that allows a capacity of at minimum 180 MVA at a temperature of 75ºC in the conductor and 25ºC of ambient temperature with sun.

The construction of a new B2 bay should be connected to the 66kV busbar in the position and physical space that is currently available, and which is adjacent to the BR coupler bay, to later transfer the connection of the 1x66kV overhead transmission line Ovalle – Los Molles N ° 2 to this new bay. This move includes existing PLC communicating systems.

The busbar sectioning bay will be a compact One-Bay type equipment. The availability of the busbar for the installation of the gantry frames and hybrid equipment for the sectioning is a critical task, which will be defined by the owner of the substation.

For the development of engineering, a very good coordination is required between the disciplines of AT lines, AIS and HIS electromechanics, PAC and electrical studies.

We thank Ferrovial for trusting Im3 again, thank you very much!